Re-approval of existing courses
The primary reference for teams preparing for course re-approval is the University’s procedure for the re-approval of existing courses. The guidance below is designed to complement the procedure, summarising the process and providing accompanying forms and document templates.
- Preparing course handbooks
- Communicating your learning, teaching and assessment strategy to students
- Writing module specifications
- Generic marking criteria
- Guidance on the implications of consumer protection law
- Definitive course record template: undergraduate Honours degree
- Definitive course record template: undergraduate Foundation degree
- Definitive course record template: higher or degree apprenticeship (UG)
- Definitive course record template: degree apprenticeship (PG)
- Definitive course record template: Higher National programme
- Definitive course record template: taught postgraduate
- Course handbook template for 2022-23 academic year
- Course handbook template for 2022-23 academic year (higher/degree apprenticeships)
- Module specification template - Ipswich courses
- Module specification template - Partner courses
- Employer handbook template (higher/degree apprenticeships)
- Learning outcome mapping template
- Academic staff CV template
The process culminates in a re-approval event, where the course is subject to detailed scrutiny by an acknowledged group of experienced peers including internal and external academics, employer representatives and a student representative. During the event, the re-approval panel meets with students currently enrolled on the course (and possibly recent graduates) and with the course team (including further employer representatives where appropriate). A tour of facilities and resources may also be provided. At the end of the re-approval event, the panel makes a decision on whether the course has been re-approved for continuing delivery. Approval may be conditional upon certain points being satisfactorily addressed, either before the start of the next academic year or by a subsequent agreed deadline.
A report on the re-approval event is submitted to the Quality Committee for information. The Quality Committee reports to Senate on all courses that have been successfully re-approved, including confirmation of the agreed period of continuing validation (which is normally five years).
- Indicative re-approval event agenda
- Guidance notes for re-approval panels
- Guidance notes for student panel members (re-approval)
- Guidance notes for students involved in meetings with the panel (re-approval)
- Guidance notes for external academic panel members (re-approval)
- Guidance notes for employer panel members (re-approval)