Our Policies and Procedures

View our policies and procedures below for delivering our services and responsibilities. Or, visit our section on data privacy.

Given below are the General Regulations for Students. These regulations apply to all students, new and continuing, in the stated academic year. 

As a registered provider with the Office for Students (OfS), the University of Suffolk must have a Student Protection Plan. A Student Protection Plan sets out what students can expect to happen should a course, campus or institution closes.

The University of Suffolk's Student Protection Plan is reviewed regularly, agreed by the University's Senate (with both staff and student representatives) and approved by the OfS.

Approved Student Protection Plans:

View our signed financial statements from the University of Suffolk from 2007-present.

The University of Suffolk makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the contents of its website are accurate and up-to-date, but can accept no responsibility for omissions, errors or subsequent changes.

Information on the website regarding courses is provided for information and guidance purposes only and does not constitute a contract. It is the responsibility of the user to check the accuracy of relevant information before entering into any commitment and the University of Suffolk accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting directly or indirectly from inaccuracies in the information held on its website. The University would appreciate it if users would report any inaccuracies they might find by emailing webcontent@uos.ac.uk

Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, all text, images, design and other content is copyright of the University of Suffolk and all rights are reserved, although individuals may download, retain and copy website content for their personal use only. Requests for any other reproduction of website content should be made to webcontent@uos.ac.uk