Laura Swinfen

School Manager: Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health

+44 (0)1473 338615
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health
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Laura graduated from the University of Birmingham with a BA (Hons) Degree in History, in 2004.

She has worked in further and higher education since 2005; working at West Suffolk College in the Management Information Team before moving to UCS Ipswich as a Course Administrator in the Academic Services directorate, in 2007.

Since then, Laura has worked as a Professional Assistant to a number of senior staff members including the Head of School, Executive Dean and Pro-Vice-Chancellor within the health faculty.  Laura moved into the School Coordinator role in 2020 where she took on line management responsibility of the Professional Assistants and Academic Administration Team. 

Laura was appointed as School Manager for the School of Health and Sports Sciences in 2022, but now enjoys working as School Manager for the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health, organising and managing the operational functions within the School alongside the management of the school administrative team. 

Laura is an accredited member of the Association of Higher Education Professionals (AHEP) and has recently completed a PgCert in Higher Education Administration, Management and Leadership.