Kelly-Marie Taylor
Course Leader, BA (Hons) Early Years Practice and BA (Hons) Early Learning
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- +44 (0)1473 338491
- School/Directorate
- School of Social Sciences and Humanities
Kelly-Marie Taylor is deputy course leader for BA (Hons) Early Years Practice and BA (Hons) Early Learning, and contributes to MA Childhood Studies. She is passionate about Children’s rights, the Sociological study of Childhood, and providing excellent teaching and learning experiences.
Kelly first joined the University of Suffolk as a student in 2008 on the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme graduating in 2012. She completed a MA in Sociological Research in 2013 at the University of Essex. She is a current PhD Student at the University of Essex studying a PhD in Sociology with the title of “Children’s Digital Landscapes; Risk, Resilience, and Agentic Participation”.
Kelly began teaching on the FdA Early Years Practice in September 2014 and is module leader for Level 4 module Children’s Development and Wellbeing, Level 5 Developing Professional Practice and Level 5 Safeguarding Young Children. Kelly also supervises BA (Hons) Early Learning Dissertations at Level 6 and Dissertations for MA Childhood Studies.
Kelly is the deputy course leader for the FdA Early Years Practice Online distance learning course and is passionate about the development of online teaching pedagogies and philosophies.
Kelly’s research interests are broadly located within the sociology of childhood, her current PhD research is looking at the debates around childhood and youth culture, particularly focusing on the moral panics around digital technologies such as the use of the internet and mobile phones. Her research focuses on the digital landscapes of contemporary childhood and evaluates the risks involved and children and young people’s resilience and participation in these arenas. She has utilised qualitative and feminist methodologies to conduct focus groups and interviews with young people.
Kelly has an interest in building professional partnership and relationships with stakeholders to enhance progression to Higher Education for Early Years and Primary Practitioners.
Additional interests are in children’s use of digital technology and Kelly is available to provide information talks on keeping children safe online to a range of audiences.
Member of the British Sociological Association (BSA)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)