Dr Jennifer Coe

Lecturer in Psychology

+44 (0)1473 338032
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Dr Jen Coe is a Lecturer in Psychology and associated degree routes at the University of Suffolk. She has been working with the Psychology team at University of Suffolk since October 2014. Jen has Fellowship status of the HEA and is currently applying for her Senior Fellowship status. Jen’s teaching ethos is that learning should be enjoyable, fostering curiosity, and encouraging active engagement through interactive and meaningful experiences. She aims to create a dynamic and inclusive environment, inspiring students to think critically, collaboratively, and develop a lifelong love for learning.

Jen has explored a range of areas across her years in research – most recently her main focus is on social justice within the local area (Suffolk) – specifically focusing on the area of low income, deprivation and poverty. She is developing a portfolio of research within this area, with colleagues from within her School as well as the Institute of Social Justice and Crime. The research explores low income, deprivation and poverty in relation to local support, charity involvement, neurodiversity health, wellbeing and life chances.

Learning and Teaching Expertise

Jen’s teaching expertise focuses on social, developmental, forensic and abnormal, psychology as well as both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Most recently Jen has taught on the following modules:

Level 4

  • Foundations of Social and Developmental Psychology (Module leader)

Level 5

  • Social and Developmental Psychology (Module leader)

Level 6

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Psychology Project

Level 7

  • Forensic Psychology (Module leader)
  • Advanced Social and Developmental Psychology I (Module leader)
  • Advanced Social and Developmental psychology II (Module leader)
  • Criminal Evidence and Psychology

Jen is personal academic coach for Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 and Level 7 students. She is also currently supervising three PhD students.

Jen has extensive knowledge in the specialist research equipment for Psychology within the labs at UoS. She works with staff and students on several research projects within the undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology courses as well as across the institution. She uses statistical software as well as software packages for experimental data collection such as SONA, Qualtrics, Inquisit and E-Prime. Jen also has experience in using qualitative analysis aids such as Atlas.ti and NVIVO.

Current Research Projects

Excitingly, Jen is PI for a Research England (Policy Support Fund) funded research project is exploring the perceived impact of Emmaus Suffolk in supporting service users (with a reference to wellbeing and life chances). This research is a co-production piece, mapping 1 of the 4 main tackling poverty priorities in the Suffolk County Council, Tacking Poverty in Suffolk (2022) strategy – ‘Wellbeing and Life Chances’ and onto 1 of the 3 recommendations in the subsequent Healthwatch Suffolk, Tacking Poverty Together (2024) strategy - ‘Community hubs and spaces’. Jen is working on this project with a fellow colleague within the Social Sciences and Humanities School and the Institute of Social Justice and Crime. A symposium will be held at the end of the project to share findings and engage in policy discussion with local policy makers, third sector organisations, charities and others who may wish to be involved. A full report will be written on the outcomes of the project and disseminated widely.

Jen is also currently involved in a funded research project exploring charitable grant giving in the local area and its impacts/support on lifting people out of poverty. She is working on this project with fellow colleagues within the Social Sciences and Humanities School and the Institute of Social Justice and Crime. A report will be written and shared in line with the charities position.

Jen’s current research passion lies within the area of Social Justice – particularly in relation to poverty and the drivers around that within the local area (Suffolk). Further research projects are being developed around this topic in relation to carpeting homes, neurodiversity and health.

Previous Research Projects

Jennifer was a co-researcher on a Social Justice based research project – When the going gets tough, the touch get going. This project provided a valuable insight into the challenges and problems in Ipswich - as seen through the lens of service providers and service users. The research focused upon 10 ‘Top up shops’ distributed across Ipswich which are organised and managed by a minister and volunteers of the Anglican. A conference for this was held in 2023 with three subsequent policy development symposiums and a report which has been distributed widely – even capturing media attention.

Jen has been involved in several quantitative and qualitative research projects and has published a case study on Action Research in the Higher Education Academy Action Research Practice Guide.  She has also completed several book reviews for SAGE Publications.

Jen was involved in a project commissioned by Suffolk County Council to review and evaluate the MyGo centre services for NEET young people, mental health and wellbeing and their routes into employment through a programme called MyLife. Jen attended and presented at ‘A Childs World’ conference in Aberystwyth, where an abstract was also published. 

Jen completed an internship at the University of East Anglia as a member of the research team for the project COURAGE. This project aided the development of a research culture and community within UoS PGR students by using several activities, workshops and support sessions as well as allowed for there to be a recognition and increase in support for PGR wellbeing. Jen’s report was part of a wider report produced by UEA and was presented to funding bodies.


Selected publications (see ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4422-7525 for full listing)

Coe, J., Millett, A., C., Beane, S., & Grenfell-Essam, R. (2025). Educator Experiences of Intensive and Blended Teaching Andragogy in UK Higher Education. Review of Education, In press.

Manning, M., Boyce, I., Coe, J., & Dogaru, C. (2024). When the going gets tough the good get going. A case study of Ipswich Top-up Shops: delivery community food provision across Ipswich. Institute of Social Justice and Crime at University of Suffolk.

Apopei, D., Coe, J. & Cordoba, S. (2024). Examining the Role of Family, Media, Peers in Young Caucasian Men’s Understandings of Body Dissatisfaction: A Thematic Analysis Using the Tripartite Influential Model and Social Comparison Theory. Gender Issues, 41, 20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12147-024-09339-3

Dodgers, S., Cordoba, S., & Coe, J. (2023). Examining the Role of Childhood Experiences in Gender Identity and Expression: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Using Social Learning Theory. Gender Issues, 40, 255-274. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12147-023-09314-4

Coe, J. (2018). Psychology staff perspectives on students’ engagement at University of Suffolk. Guide to Undertaking Action Research, Action Research: Sector Case Studies, Higher Education Academy, 14-19.

Coe, J., and Rawlings, V. (2018) Reflective case study of the implications of children and young people exiting the education system early: NEET circumstances, low mental health and wellbeing. Presentation at the Child’s World Conference, Aberystwyth, July 2018.

Under review

Millett, A. C1., Coe., J., Beane, S., McCulloch, K., Grenfell-Essam, R., Atkins, D., Martin. R., and Georgiadis, M. (In Review). Higher Education Andragogy and its Impact on Learner Engagement and Attainment. Education Inquiry.

Dodgers, S., Coe, J., & Cordoba, S. (In Review). Exploring Children's Gender Socialisation in Educational Settings: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis Using Social Learning Theory. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.

Jen holds the following Professional Memberships:

  • Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
  • Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society
  • Member of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society