Heather Bishop
Lecturer in Games Development
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338724
- h.bishop2@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Technology, Business and Arts
With 5 years of lecturing experience, Heather has come full circle having finished her undergraduate degree in Computer Games Design in 2018 at the University of Suffolk. She has pursued a career in Academia to support her research in game design and Indie Projects. She completed her MSc in Games Development in 2021. As Co-Director for Game Anglia C.I.C. Heather has planned and facilitated multiple events to support individuals to enter the games industry or develop their own games. Through Game Anglia, Heather has collaborated with multiple companies to facilitate industry events and to present her experiences in a non-traditional role in the industry. Supporting young people began with Game Anglia but has ended with an emphasis on student-centred curriculums to educate students prepare them for a fast-paced and competitive industry, and to support them to achieve their aspirations.
In her work as a game designer/ developer Heather has worked on a plethora of Game Jams and smaller projects surrounding experimental games. Currently focusing her research and production on developing a game from the second person perspective.