David Bowers
Senior Lecturer in Life Sciences (Maths)
- d.bowers@uos.ac.uk
- School/Directorate
- School of Allied Health Sciences
David Bowers is a mathematician, statistician and learning developer whose focus has always been on mathematics and statistics as essential facilitating skills across the disciplines.
From 2007 to 2014, David was Head of Learning Development here, where he established ab initio a Learning Development Centre based on sector best practice. He was elected to the national steering group of the Association for Learning Development in Higher Education in 2010, and became Secretary in 2011. In this role, he instigated the creation of the International Consortium for Academic Language and Learning Development with partner organisations in Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
In 2012, David was appointed Chair of the sigma Network for cross-university mathematics and statistics support, a HEFCE funded initiative to create a national professional community of practice for tutors in higher education who support the essential underpinning mathematical skills of students at all levels and all disciplines.
David is currently an independent consultant in mathematics, statistics and learning development. His portfolio includes statistical analysis for clinical trials within the NHS, data collection and modelling for the private sector, mentoring to university learning support services, coaching in quantitative methods for managers, bespoke workshops and keynote presentations at national and international conferences. www.davidbowers.co.uk
David holds a masters degree in Numerical Analysis from Brunel University and a postgraduate Certificate in Education from the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society.