Becky Sawyer
Senior Lecturer in Midwifery
- Phone
- +44 (0)1473 338641
- School/Directorate
- School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health
- Becky Sawyer ORCID
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Becky is a Senior Lecturer in the Midwifery Team. Becky has worked here since 2019 in a variety of different roles. She has completed her PGCAP, MSc in Advanced Midwifery Practice and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Previously, she has worked as a rotational midwife and hypnobirthing teaching but continues to do clinical shifts.
Becky has taught across all of the modules at the University of Suffolk. She is keen about ensuring students understand research and get the opportunity to take part in their own small scale projects, as well as the promotion of physiological processes in birth for women and their families.
Teaching on the following courses Midwifery Long and Shortened Course.
Becky's current interests of research topics include exploring perceptions of birth, understanding the birth experience, as well as the transition to motherhood and matrescence.
Becky's MSc involved a primary research project which was a phenomenological study exploring 2nd year student's midwives experiences of learning during the covid-19 pandemic.
The Understanding Research Series comprises of 11 articles published bi-monthly from 2019 until 2021 in The Practising Midwife.
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2021) Understanding Research 11: Critiquing the literature and disseminating your findings, The Practising Midwife, 24 (6) p24-28
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2021) Understanding Research 10: Analysing qualitative and quantitative data, The Practising Midwife, 24 (4) p26-31
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2021) Understanding Research 9: Methods of data collection in quantitative methodologies: documentary methods and clinical measurements, The Practising Midwife, 24 (1) p24-28
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2020) Understanding Research 8: Methods of data collection in qualitative methodologies: observation, Interviews and focus groups. The Practising Midwife, 23 (11) p21-26
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2020) Understanding Research 7: Quantitative methodologies: the ubiquitous survey, exploring descriptive and inferential statistics The Practising Midwife 23 (9) p26-30
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2020) Understanding Research 6: Quantitative methodologies: explaining experimental methods and non-experimental design, The Practising Midwife, 23 (7) 24-28
Baker, B. and Chenery-Morris, S. (2020) Understanding Research 5. Qualitative methodologies continued: exploring ethnography, case study, action research and the more generic qualitative approach. The Practising Midwife 23 (5) p24-28
Baker, B and Chenery-Morris, S., (2020) Understanding Research Series: 4 Qualitative research methodologies: nuances between phenomenology, grounded theory and narrative research. The Practising Midwife, 23 (3) p26-30
Baker, B and Chenery-Morris, S., (2019) Understanding Research Series: 3 Quantitative and Qualitative paradigms, principles and sampling. The Practising Midwife 22, 10, 26-29
Baker, B and Chenery-Morris, S., (2019) Understanding Research Series: 2 Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks and their application to midwifery knowledge and research, The Practising Midwife, 22, (8), 26-29
Baker, B and Chenery-Morris, S., (2019) Understanding Research Series: 1 Philosophy in Midwifery, The Practising Midwife, 22 (6) 26-30
Advance HE - Senior Fellow
NMC Registered Midwife