Baseline Community Impact Evaluation for the Sizewell C Project


Sizewell C represents a significant expansion of nuclear power capabilities in Suffolk, aiming to establish a 3.2-gigawatt power station that will generate low-carbon electricity for six million homes for at least 60 years. This project, which mirrors the design and operational strategies of Hinkley Point C, underscores a pivotal shift towards sustainable energy generation in the UK. Building next to the existing Sizewell B, which has been operational since 1995, Sizewell C aims to continue a legacy of clean energy production that significantly mitigates carbon emissions. The initiative not only promises substantial economic injection through thousands of jobs but also emphasizes minimal environmental disruption and extensive protective measures for local wildlife and ecosystems​.

The construction of Sizewell C presents transformative potential for Leiston and its environment, heralding significant economic, educational, and community development opportunities. This research aims to establish a comprehensive understanding of the current socio-economic, educational, and environmental landscape, forming a critical baseline that will aid in measuring the real-time impacts during and post the construction phase of Sizewell C. Integral to this endeavour is a focus on capturing the community's concerns, aspirations, and expectations, ensuring that the project aligns with local needs and contributes constructively to the area's development. This approach not only facilitates informed decision-making but also fosters a responsive and community-centred development process. Aligning with the community pledges made by Sizewell C, the study seeks to ensure that the development contributes positively and sustainably to the local community, addressing their aspirations and concerns while fostering an environment of inclusive growth and development. Given the significant changes and developments expected from this project, understanding community perceptions and gathering comprehensive baseline data is essential.


The rationale for this study is grounded in the imperative to synchronize Sizewell C's commitments to the community with the real and expressed needs of the Leiston populace. By doing so, this study aims to ensure that the project delivers tangible benefits and supports the area's holistic development. This research will generate critical data-driven insights to refine project strategies and community engagement efforts, reinforcing the project's alignment with local expectations and enhancing its contribution to the community's enduring prosperity.

This analysis is vital for measuring both the tangible and perceived effects of the Sizewell C initiative on Leiston and its environs. The outcomes will facilitate the integration of community perspectives into the project's objectives, promoting a development trajectory that is both responsive and sustainable.

Moreover, this baseline study represents only the initial phase of what we envision as a continuing collaboration with Sizewell C, aimed at ongoing impact assessment and adaptation. As the project evolves, sustained engagement through regular follow-up studies will ensure that the interventions remain in harmony with community needs and adapt to changing circumstances. This long-term partnership is designed to foster a dynamic framework for continuous improvement and community empowerment, setting a precedent for responsible and responsive infrastructural development.

Research Aims

The overall aims of this study focus on five key themes, aimed at understanding both the current state of the community, and the community perceptions, fears, aspirations, and expectations regarding the Sizewell C project. The five themes are:

  • Economic Growth and Employment: Evaluate Leiston’s current economic status and explore how Sizewell C can foster job creation and support local businesses.
  • Education and Skills: Analyse the impact of the project on local educational infrastructure and opportunities, aiming to enhance training programs and educational outcomes.
  • Health, Wellbeing, and Safety: Assess the project's implications for community health and safety and develop strategies to mitigate any adverse effects.
  • Community Development: Investigate how Sizewell C can enhance public services, infrastructure, and overall community cohesion.
  • Environmental Impact and Wellbeing: Determine potential environmental impacts and propose mitigation strategies to ensure sustainable development.

Research objectives

  • To collaboratively design the research framework with the community, capturing initial feedback to guide the study’s approach.
  • To systematically gather and analyse data regarding the community's perceptions and the actual impacts of the Sizewell C project, utilizing a mixed-methods approach that includes existing data review, targeted questionnaires, and focused group discussions.
  • To develop strategic recommendations and an actionable plan that address community concerns, fulfil Sizewell C's community pledges, and ensure ongoing monitoring and responsive engagement with the community for sustainable impact assessment.