Disability and Wellbeing
The University of Suffolk values diversity in our community and recognises individual academic identities, which includes specific learning needs. We positively welcome applications from people with disabilities.
We are committed to an ethos of development that aims to fully achieve equality of opportunity and access. The University recognises the importance of anticipatory and individualised support mechanisms in enabling all students to achieve their potential and as such will continue to improve and expand provision for students with a disability.
We aim to answer some of the questions you may have about the University of Suffolk and support that is available, whether you are considering it as a place to study, you are an applicant, or you are a current student.
Disabilities and Support
Disabilities and Support
Disabilities and Support
Disabilities and Support
The University of Suffolk aims to create an environment which is accessible for students with any disability.
Find out how to apply for DSA, and what you can expect following your application.
Student Life Mentors aim to help you make the most of your start at the University of Suffolk or help to redirect you down the line.
Find out more about what support and reasonable adjustments the University can provide apprentices with.
Our Campus and Partner locations
- University of Suffolk, Ipswich
- University of Suffolk, Suffolk New College
- University of Suffolk, East Coast College
- London School of Commerce (LSC)
- Global Banking School (GBS)
- LD Training
All campuses conform to the standards outlined in our Disability Statement. Coordinators of individual reasonable adjustments and support arrangements are often known as disability advisers or hold a similar title. There is an adviser based at each campus. To contact or make an appointment with the relevant staff member, please refer to the contact details for the disability adviser at your place of study.
The University of Suffolk aims to create an environment which is accessible for students with any disability. This includes specific learning differences, sensory impairment, long-term medical conditions and/or mental health difficulties.
If you have a disability or specific learning need, it is essential that you meet with a member of the disability and wellbeing team as early as possible. We usually recommend that students meet their adviser in the summer before they start their course, to ensure that all support is in place ready for the start of your course. With your input, support arrangements are identified and put in place using a reasonable adjustment agreement.
You can book an appointment via the Student Centre, their contact details can be found on the Get in Touch page.
At your appointment an adviser will complete a reasonable adjustment agreement, support you to apply for DSA and set up any other support plans you may require. If you will need exam concessions or want to make an application for DSA, please bring any medical evidence along to the appointment.
Wellbeing Checklist
Be prepared
Log in to your student account to check your timetable and make a start on reading lists. Assignment deadlines are available early, so make sure you put them in your diary at the start of term
Get organised
If you don't already have a planner or diary, get one!
Visit the SU
They have loads of clubs and societies that you can get involved with
Sign up for Most Active Students
Exercise is key to a health body and mind
Eat well and stay hydrated
It isn't just your body that needs nourishment - your mind functions much better with the right nutrition
Make time for rest
With everything university has to offer, it will be tempting to 'burn the candle at both ends'. However if you regularly miss out on sleep it can lead to exhaustion, lack of sleep and possible mental health problems
Talk to someone if you are struggling
You are not alone. Try talking to a flatmate or course mate - you might find that you aren't alone in feeling a bit overwhelmed. If you feel you need to talk to a professional, please book an appointment with the Student's Union advice centre or with student service