Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships (CEHA)
Transforming apprenticeships in health and social care
Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships (CEHA)
The East of England Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships (CEHA) is an innovative partnership between the University of Suffolk, FE providers in East Anglia, and NHS Integrated Care Boards (ICB) aimed to revolutionize the delivery of apprenticeships in the fields of health and social care careers.
The partnership will offer apprenticeship pathway progression routes from levels 2 through to 7, the equivalent of GCSE levels through to a Master’s degree, establishing the Centre of Excellence as a comprehensive destination for learners in the region.
Why choose an apprenticeship?
Available to individuals of all ages, apprenticeships offer an ‘earn while you learn’ approach though a combination of theoretical learning and hands-on training in a professional setting, whilst also providing opportunities for upskilling and retraining existing workers.
The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan has indicated a shortfall of up to 360,000 staff nationally by 2036 without immediate action. The Centre of Excellence will play an important role in addressing the workforce challenges in the health and social care sector, with apprenticeships identified as a key driver in recruiting and retaining staff. The partnership aims to raise the profile and prosperity of health careers providing a clearer progression pathway for learners, providers and employers.
Nursing associate, adult and mental health nursing apprenticeships are currently provided by partners, with more in development to reach a diverse range of career paths.
Innovative Partnership | Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships
The University of Suffolk boasts state-of-the-art facilities delivering clinical simulation which include two simulated hospital wards, a midwifery birthing unit, recently upgraded physiotherapy instructional areas, a modern sports and exercise centre, and a fully operational radiography imaging suite. With these cutting-edge amenities housed in the Health and Wellbeing Quarter building following a £13m investment. students gain a hands-on learning experience in a range of healthcare settings.
As one of the fastest growing Higher Education institutions in the country, the University of Suffolk has a strong emphasis on healthcare provisions, achieving a level 2 ‘Good’ Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OfSTED) rating at our waterfront campus in Ipswich. With over 1,200 students enrolled in health-based courses, we offer an ideal environment to collaborate as part of The East of England Centre of Excellence for Health Apprenticeships.
Our Partners
Study in Suffolk
The University of Suffolk offers an extensive range of health and social care focused learning, from apprenticeships, undergraduate and post graduate studies to training and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) courses.
Find out more about our Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health and Allied Health Sciences courses.
Health and social care news
Health and social care news
Community, Health, Research
Participants Sought for Parkinson's Research
A major new study into the impact of reduction of facial expression in people living with Parkinson’s Disease is being launched by researchers at the University of Suffolk with a call going out for participants. -
Community, Health, Research
New research reports lack of co-ordinated support for sexual abuse victims
Families impacted by sexual abuse and sexual violence should be offered a full spectrum of support to help break the cycle of systemic harm, new research from the University of Suffolk has revealed. -
Community, Health, Academic Achievement
Award for Dr Chris Nightingale
An associate Professor of Nursing who has dedicated her career to those with learning disabilities has said she is “still on a mission to make a difference” after winning an annual award. -
Community, Health, Apprenticeships
Mum and Daughter Apprentices Shine a Spotlight on Nursing Associate Careers
A mum and daughter from Ipswich who are studying the same apprenticeship together at the University of Suffolk are helping educate patients about the vital role Nursing Associates play in the health sector.