Our Stories
It is important to the University to take the opportunity to highlight the ongoing work that apprentices do, not during employment in their individual industries, but also in their studies and personal endeavours.
As a first step in showcasing these efforts, we have collated a number of apprentice profiles. We hope that these will not only celebrate the success of higher and degree level apprentices at the University of Suffolk, but also highlight how apprenticeships can contribute to those of all ages and backgrounds to progress in their careers.
Plus, check out some of the stories from key employers who are instrumental in the continued success and growth of apprenticeships.
Employer Stories
Apprenticeships are a multilateral collaboration between the learner, employer and University. Employers play a key role in the apprenticeship learner journey, not just in terms of contracts of employment, but also in supporting apprentices to develop the key skills that will help them to progress in their studies and their chosen career.
The University of Suffolk has developed a number of links with local employers and welcomes comments and feedback from employers on Apprenticeship programmes as a means of enhancing the student experience. Employers are encouraged to share their views via a range of mechanisms including liaison with the Apprenticeships Hub and Course Leaders and through formal mechanisms such as Course Committees. Click below to view some of our employer links and read their stories.