Your timetable will be automatically added to your Outlook calendar once you have completed Enrolment.
How to access your timetable
Once you have enrolled, navigate to Brightspace (our online virtual learning environment). Click on the 'Communications' tab to reveal a drop-down list. Select 'Calendar' from the drop-down list. This will open your calendar and course timetable. You can change the layout, view and the date. Each timetabled session will tell you the room number, location and session organiser.
We offer a full, on-campus learning experience. It is an expectation to attend all timetabled live teaching sessions on campus. This means that if you are unable to attend campus for the taught session you should notify the Academic Administrator for the course who will register your absence as authorised. As your Higher Education Provider we must meet certain regulatory requirements; to do this, course teams will ask you to complete a digital register for every timetabled live taught session. You will need to complete information in class using an electronic device such as a tablet, smartphone or laptop. Your lecturer will provide you with the information needed in each class.