Ipswich New Starters

Things to do before you start:

1. Complete online enrolment (once you have been invited to by email from the Admissions team). 48 hours after this you can access the Student Intranet site BrightSpace. You should also upload a photo for your student ID card through the Applicant Area

2. Apply for student finance 

3. Arrange to view and book student accommodation (if you require it)

4. Register with a GP and dentist if you are not local to the area

5. Download free versions of Microsoft Office onto your personal devices 

6. Look into travel and parking information

7.  Check your induction start date

8. Register to vote to have your say in an election or referendum in the UK

9. Consider opening a student bank account (interest free overdraft facility)

10. Check to see if any reading/resource lists are available for your course

11. Sign up for your NUS card and download the TOTUM app (via the App Store or Google Play) to access more discounts and to get updates from our Students' Union.

1. Follow online Induction instructions and engage with all the online Induction content in the Brightspace Student Hub once instructed to. In this area, you will be welcomed to the University by the Vice Chancellor, Professor Helen Langton, your Course Leaders and academic teams as well as all the professional support services who will help you to prepare for the start of the exciting new academic year.

2. Connect to the University Wi-Fi.

3. Find your way around. Campus tours may also be available when new students are required on site.

4. Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to add an extra layer of security to your Microsoft 365 account sign-in.

1. Ask any questions at the Student Centre.

2. Once you have commenced your course, you will be able to get a student status certification (only full-time students are eligible) for council tax exemption. Apprenticeship students are not eligible with the exception of Nursing Apprenticeship students (they are eligible as per the guidance we have received from Ipswich Borough Council).

You can generate your student status certification yourself using Gradintelligence. All students who enrol on a programme of study with the University of Suffolk will have an account created with Gradintelligence that provides a document access and sharing web portal that enables you to view and share your digital documents securely, at any time and from anywhere. Following completion of your enrolment and the commencement of your course, you will be sent an email with an account activation link. The email containing the activation link will be sent to your University of Suffolk email address, and the link will remain active for 30 days. If you do not activate your account, you will be sent a reminder. Please look in your University email inbox as well as junk/spam folder for the latest email from Gradintelligence.

3. Consider joining a club or society; it’s a great way to meet new people.

Travelling and parking

Planning to commute or bring a car with you when you start your course? All vehicles will need to display a parking permit, which is clearly visible at all times. Once you are have access to Brightspace (48 hours after enrolment has been completed) you can apply for your car parking permit. This will need to be printed and displayed from your first day of travel. You can view our car parks online. Please note, until you display a permit, you can only park in the Duke Street Public Car Park.


View our online campus and car park map to help you find your way around.

Campus information

Want to know more about our campus and buildings? Take a look at our Ipswich campus page.

Accommodation - Take a look at the recommended and accredited student accommodation options which includes both on-campus and off-campus accommodation. 

Student Finance - Make sure you have all your financial support in place before you start your course.

SU - The Students' Union can support you in a number of ways during your studies, whether it be academically or personally. Welcome events and activities will be available to new starters. 

Library and Learning Services – Access your course Reading Lists and Subject Guides through the Learning Services website. Find out how Learning Services can enhance your studies at the University of Suffolk.

Applicant Area - This is a dedicated space to help you prepare for your studies, track your application and view official correspondence.

IT Services -  IT Services have created FAQ’s to answer some of the queries you may have as you begin your studies.

Suffolk Constabulary information – Suffolk Constabulary is committed to enhancing the quality of life for everyone in Suffolk. This section contains important crime prevention and safety advice. 

International and EU – For our students who will be travelling to Suffolk from overseas, we understand that this can be quite a daunting experience. For many of you it will be your first time coming to the UK. To assist with this transition, please regularly check the International Study area.