Accommodation Price and Facilities Comparison
To help you make an informed decision about which accommodation is right for you, the information below has been provided to help you compare the on-campus and accredited off-campus accommodation we recommend. Please see Suffolk Student Pad for more information.
Prices shown are for the 2025–2026 academic year, correct as at March 2025. Please consult the accommodation provider for any updated prices.
Other factors may apply which influence your decision:
- Each property will feature different facilities and prices, so direct comparison may be difficult.
- Consider all factors that are important to you, remember that one property might not have all the features you would ideally want.
- Prioritise which features are the most important to you and compromise where you need to.
- There is a difference between what you need from your accommodation and what you want (or can afford).
- Be realistic in what you can afford; remember to budget for other essentials such as food, transport, materials for your course and social activities.
All room prices include utility bills and Wi-Fi, desks/study areas are provided in all bedrooms, all properties have a cleaner for communal areas, weekly. All rooms are offered on a self-catering basis only.
Property | Type | Tenancy Length (weeks) | Price per week | Ensuite | Parking Costs | Other Facilities |
Athena Hall Bronze | Halls of Residence | 44 49 51 |
£151 |
Yes |
Parking not available Use student car park* Free bike storage |
Short stays (subject to availability) Student Union gym (located on ground floor) 24-hour staff and on-site maintenance 24-hour student helpline and app Contents insurance included |
Athena Hall Silver | Halls of Residence | 44 49 51 |
£163 £151 £155 |
Yes | ||
Athena Hall Gold | Halls of Residence | 44 49 51 |
£172 £168 £162 |
Yes | ||
Athena Hall Studio | Halls of Residence | 49 51 |
£208 £207 |
Yes | ||
75 Grimwade Street Bronze | Halls of Residence | 44 48 51 |
£141 £140 £134 |
Yes |
Parking not available Use student car park* Free bike storage |
Short stays (subject to availability) |
75 Grimwade Street Silver | Halls of Residence | 44 48 51 |
£154 £150 £144 |
Yes | ||
Ormonde House Bronze | Quiet House | 46 | £145 | No |
£10 per week - 3 spaces available on the drive Free on-street parking Free bike storage |
Longer tenancies available (subject to negotiation) Large outdoor garden with giant chess set Conservatory |
Ormonde House Silver | Quiet House | 46 | £155 | Yes | ||
Ormonde House Gold | Quiet House | 46 | £160 | Yes | ||
Ormonde House Platinum | Quiet House | 46 | £167.50 | Yes | ||
Oxford Road | Shared House | 48 |
£115 |
No | Free on-street parking, no assigned parking | Garden space |
Other costs to consider
Property | Reservation Fee and Deposit Costs | Advanced Rent and Further Instalment Due Dates | Other Costs to Budget |
Athena Hall |
RESERVATION £100 (taken off the 1st rental instalment) Non-refundable if occupancy is not taken DEPOSIT No deposit |
First instalment of 4 weeks' rent to be paid when moving in. Annual fees are then split into three further instalments: Instalment two paid at the end of September. Instalment three paid in the first half of January. Instalment four paid in April. Dates mostly coincide with SFE maintenance loan payments. |
Onsite Laundry approximately £5 - £7 per load to wash, and approximately £6 - £8.50 to dry per load. Replacement Door fob £5.76 Replacement room key £20.00 (Prices subject to change) |
75 Grimwade Street |
RESERVATION £100 (non-refundable if occupancy is not taken) DEPOSIT £350 deposit paid when booking |
First instalment of 4 weeks' rent to be paid when moving in. The reservation fee will be taken off this instalment. Annual fees are then split into three further instalments: Instalment two paid at the end of September. Instalment three paid in the first half of January. Instalment four paid in April. Dates coincide with SFE maintenance loan payments. |
Onsite Laundry approximately £5 - £7 per load to wash, and approximately £6 - £8.50 to dry per load. Room lockout fee (out of hours) £55 Replacement door fob £10 Replacement room key £8 Replacement mailbox or kitchen cupboard key £5 |
Ormonde House |
RESERVATION One week's rent as reservation fee (non-refundable if occupancy is not taken) DEPOSIT 4 weeks' rent or the Reposit Scheme** |
First instalment of 4 weeks' rent to be paid when moving in. The reservation fee will be taken off this instalment. Annual fees are then split into three further instalments: Instalment two paid at the end of September. Instalment three paid in the first half of January. Instalment four paid in April. Dates coincide with SFE maintenance loan payments. Or monthly, or termly, rent in advance arrangements can be made, these are assessed on an individual basis. |
Onsite Laundry Free to wash and approximately £2 for 3-hour drying cycle Replacement door fob £10 Replacement room key £15 |
Oxford Road |
RESERVATION £100 (taken off first instalment) Non-refundable if occupancy is not taken DEPOSIT 4 weeks' rent paid, to be paid when moving in, in addition to the first instalment. |
First instalment of 4 weeks' rent to be paid when moving in. Reservation fee will be taken off this instalment. Annual fees are then split into three further instalments: Instalment two paid at the end of September. Instalment three paid in the first half of January. Instalment four paid in April. Dates coincide with SFE maintenance loan payments. |
Washing machine provided at no additional cost Replacement keys £10 |
*Student Car Parks: The Student Car Parks are managed by IPSERV who do not allow overnight parking.
Once you commence studies, you can apply for a student parking permit via Brightspace. Once you have done so, parking will cost £2 per day via the RingGo App.
Details about car parking can be found on the IPSERV website, see University Avenue, which is the main Student Car Park for Students & Staff Only, and Athena Hall Car Park which is the smaller carpark under Athena Hall, it’s also open to the public, although the public will pay the full rate for parking.
**Reposit Scheme require one week's rent as deposit; details of the scheme can be found in the link.
Student Finance England's Maintenance Loan for Domestic Students (not available to International Students) Student finance for undergraduates: New full-time students - GOV.UK.