Graphic Design Graduate Scoops International Illustration Accolade

13 September 2024
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Artwork created by Sammi Wong. It features a footballer kicking a ball but illustrated as a map, and superimposed on the side of a multi-storey car park in Ipswich
Illustration work by Sammi Wong

A talented Graphic Illustration graduate from the University of Suffolk has been honoured with a World Illustration Award for her project encouraging pride and belonging in Ipswich.

Sammi Wong won in the New Talent Site Specific category of the awards, announced earlier this week, which celebrate the work of illustrators globally.

The Ipswich-based illustrator, who graduated from the University of Suffolk’s BA (Hons) Graphic Design (Graphic Illustration) degree in 2023, won the award for her project called ‘Re-imagine Ipswich = Discover. Connect. Belong.’

The work featured Sammi creating illustrated maps of Ipswich, which were then digitally superimposed on images of buildings in the town such as the Town Hall and the old Paul’s silo. It aimed to celebrate the town’s identity and foster a community spirit, restoring pride and belonging in the community.

Sammi said: “I am incredibly happy to have gained such a prestigious award and recognition for my design. It is still a shock and I am still telling myself that it wasn’t just a beautiful dream!

“The evening was really well set up by the Association of Illustrators and the whole event was a delight.”

The Re-imagine Ipswich work came out of a brief to address a problem close to the illustrator’s heart, with Sammi choosing to create a project on the theme of reinvigorating the town.

Sammi said that by creating map-based images that utilised the town’s road infrastructure, the audience is encouraged to discover Ipswich while feeling a sense of familiarity and belonging.

Dr Vassiliki Tzomaka, Course Leader and Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design and Graphic Design (Graphic Illustration) courses, said: “It was wonderful to see Sammi’s fantastic project win the New Talent Site Specific category of the prestigious World Illustration Awards 2024.

“The project reflects Sammi’s final-year investigation into the theme of environmental graphic design and how it can be used to develop community identities. It is testament to her innovative thinking, strong design and illustration skills, and incredible work ethic.

“The graphics and illustration team here at the University of Suffolk couldn’t be prouder of her well-deserved achievement.”

Another Graphic Illustration graduate from the University of Suffolk, had also made the longlist when it was announced in early summer.

Maria-Teodora Dragomir from Bucharest was longlisted for the New Talent Book Covers category for her work on a BBC Studio book cover. 

To find out more about studying on graphic design courses at the University of Suffolk, visit the website here and here.

Sammi Wong smiling and holding open her final year portfolio
Sammi Wong
Artwork created by Sammi Wong superimposed on an image of Ipswich Town Hall
One of the illustrations created by Sammi Wong
An illustration created by Sammi Wong superimposed on an image of Paul's silo in Ipswich
On of the illustrations created by Sammi Wong
Artwork created by Sammi Wong. It features a footballer kicking a ball but illustrated as a map, and superimposed on the side of a multi-storey car park in Ipswich
One of the illustrations created by Sammi Wong

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