External Quality Assurance (EQA) of the End Point Assessment (EPA)
The University of Suffolk delivers Higher and Degree Apprenticeships of which a number include an integrated end point assessment (EPA).
In line with the Office for Students’ (OfS) guidance, the University of Suffolk is required to appoint an external examiner to scrutinise the quality assurance of its EPAs and confirm that national standards have been achieved and upheld. Where agreed with the individual, the external examiner for the apprenticeship may also oversee quality assurance of the EPA.
The University of Suffolk will make it clear at the outset of any new appointment whether an external examiner role requires the oversight of both the apprenticeship and the external quality assurance (EQA) duties for the EPA. External examiners who have been appointed to this dual role will undertake the role for the usual four-year tenure, unless otherwise stated.
Schedule of EPA activities
External examiners will be provided with a schedule of EPA activities by the course team for each academic year once these are known. The schedule is likely to include the following activities:
- Meet with internal staff, apprentices and employers;
- Conduct at least one visit for each cohort of apprenticeships completing an EPA (these may be conducted onsite or online);
- Attend the assessment board where final EPA decisions are made;
- Complete an enhanced External Examiner’s report to cover the quality assurance areas of the EPA;
- Disclose any conflicts of interest in line with our Conflict-of-Interest Policy for Apprenticeship End Point Assessment.
Annual External Examiner Report
As with all the University’s external examiners, those undertaking the EQA of the EPA will be required to submit an annual report within four weeks of the relevant Progression/Awards/EPA Board. External examiners who are undertaking the dual role will complete a single extended report which covers both aspects. General information on annual external examiner reports can be found on our website.
Continued Professional Development
As part of the EQA of the EPA role and in line with the expectations of the Designated Quality Body (DQB), external examiners are required to undertake continued professional development (CPD) and training to ensure that they possess up-to-date knowledge of occupational and assessment practice. External examiners will be asked to provide details of their CPD and any relevant training they undertake on an annual basis.