External Examiner Arrangements
An external examiner is appointed to all credit-bearing courses at the University of Suffolk, and its partner institutions, in accordance with the University’s External Examiners Policy. An external examiner is an academic, usually from another higher education provider, who has significant experience of course delivery and assessment within the subject area. External examiners make judgements on marking standards and review the quality of the assessment processes and the experience of the students on the course. The tenure of an external examiner is usually four years.
From time to time, course teams may propose changes to their courses between validation periods and external examiners may be asked to provide judgement on these changes. Further information about the external examiner’s role in this process is available within the University’s Procedure for the Approval of Changes to Existing Courses.
Other University of Suffolk policies and procedures which may inform the external examiner role, such as the Assessment Board Policy and the Assessment Moderation Policy, are available on the Policies and Procedures webpage.
For more information on External Examiners, please consult the following pages: