Quality Assurance
For the University of Suffolk, maintaining and enhancing the quality of our provision is paramount. It is not enough for our students to gain awards which are consistent with the standards expected of the higher education sector - we want them to have the best possible learning experience on the way. This means listening to our students and working with them to continuously improve what we do.
It is important for the University of Suffolk to ensure that what we deliver aligns with the standards expected of higher education in the UK. We do this by making sure that we are regularly scrutinised by academics from elsewhere in the university sector who are able to offer valuable advice on our provision. This includes regular feedback from the external examiners appointed to each of our courses and external input in the development and ongoing review of our courses. In addition, where appropriate, we have sought external accreditation of our courses by professional bodies. Extensive input from employers also serves to ensure that our provision is vocationally relevant and improves the employability of our graduates.