Dr Andrew Taylor

Visiting Senior Fellow in Management

Business Engagement, Careers and Employability

Andrew Taylor is Visiting Senior Fellow in Management with twenty years of business experience across Europe, North America and Asia, as a head-hunter, management consultant, interim HR Director,  learning facilitator and business school lecturer (University of Hull). He has a Ph.D. in property rights and environmental conflict from the University of Cardiff, Wales. Since 2000, he has led the training/consulting firm Connect CEE, which provides teams, leadership and organisational change consulting to multinational clients, across three continents.  In 2014, on behalf of a group of business and academic stakeholders, he Launched the University of Hull Executive MBA in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.  He continues to manage the programme in Romania, which almost 100 executives have benefited from until now.

Since 2000 he has delivered achievements such as:

Designed and delivered programme that delivered 700% team performance improvement over one year (using clients KPI’s) for IKEA.
A project which he designed and delivered, bringing managers and street children together, was awarded Best HR Project and Most Innovative Business Project in the World (2006) by GSK.
Developed a model of diversity development for Microsoft that has been adopted as global best practice.
In 2013 he published his first book – Taking Care of Business: Innovation, Ethics & Sustainability. Andrew is currently working on another book alongside an American academic about how technology and globalisation are coming together to drive us apart, and push the world back into the 1930’s.