Ross Mccrory

Lecturer in History

+44 (0)1473338791
School of Social Sciences and Humanities
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Ross is an historian with an interdisciplinary bent, having also pursued interests, both within and around his academic work, in theatre, literature and theology. He teaches on modules that tend to cover social and cultural history, particularly of twentieth century Britain and the US.

Specifically, some areas of interest include:

- Theories and histories of theatre, acting teaching and directing in the twentieth century
- The history, application and theology of interfaith dialogue and religious pluralism
- Orthodox Christian history and theological anthropology
- Twentieth century popular culture and entertainment in Britain and the US
- The relationship between history and popular memory

All of these eclectic themes are linked by a fascination with the foundation, formation and perpetuation of individual and communal concepts of religious and national identity.

He is currently attempting to bring his various academic interests together into a PhD.

He has a great passion for teaching and pedagogy; as such, he is always looking for exciting and engaging ways of working in the classroom.