Annabelle Goard

Business and Contract Manager

01473 338389
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health, School of Allied Health Sciences
Annabel Goard profile photo on yellow background

Annabelle joined the University in 2021. She currently works as a Business and Contract Manager for the School of Nursing, Midwifery & Public Health and the School of Allied Health Sciences. Annabelle has previous experience working within the Centre of Academic and International Partnerships as an Assistant Partnerships Manager and within the Office for Student Appeals, Complaints and Conduct (OSACC) as an OSACC Advisor.

Before joining the University, Annabelle worked for Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service. Annabelle graduated from Abertay University Dundee in 2018 with a BSc (Hons) in Sociology.