Dr Linda Cooper
Associate Professor and Deputy Director
- L.Cooper7@uos.ac.uk
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- Research Directorate
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Dr Linda Cooper is an Associate Professor and the Deputy Director of the Institute for Social Justice and Crime (ISJC). She has helped influence national policy on police investigations of rape and serious sexual offences (RASSO). Dr Cooper is an established researcher with a portfolio of work in policing, education and veterans in the criminal justice system. Prior to her appointment at the University of Suffolk, Dr Cooper was working on a nationally significant project called Operation Soteria, which helped develop a new National Operating Model for the 43 police forces across England and Wales, to use in investigating RASSO.
Dr Cooper had been a part of the team working on the role of officer learning, development and wellbeing, as well as the implementation of the change programme of work and a review of the public protection curriculum. That project included work with police practitioners, the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime in London, and as academic liaison with the National Police Chiefs’ Council Joint Unit Team. Her research has already aligned closely with the work of the ISJC, which has already carried out important work for Operation Soteria – suspect-focused investigations and disrupting repeat suspects.
Dr Cooper is continuing her association with the Operation Soteria team with secondary data analysis. Further projects include the police approach and processes to deal with officer wellbeing in the context of domestic abuse investigations. Dr Cooper is additionally project lead on a review of sexual violence provision in Suffolk.
Previous learning and teaching responsibilities include: Postgraduate and Doctoral studies: PhD completions and viva voce examination chair. Academic mentor to early career colleagues. Lead for Post Graduate Researcher (PGR) teaching of synchronous and asynchronous workshops, PGR Induction week, skills development workshops and online learning. Creator of postdoctoral alumni network and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) series. Identification of all PGR development opportunities. Chair for numerous online and face-to-face viva voce examinations. Doctoral School support, designing and delivering workshops and compulsory training to MA, PhD and EdD practitioners and researchers.
Undergraduate study: Supervising Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA) undergraduate students. BA Education & Childhood Studies, MA (Education) and doctoral training pathways. Lectures and seminar groups and tutorials. Overseeing levels 4-6 (320 students), providing solutions to improve the content, teaching, learning and assessment phases of taught modules, quality assurance and on-going appraisal of NSS surveys; involvement in publicity and events for recruitment, UCAS application referrals and overall enhancement of the student experience.
Consultancy: the SkillForce Veterans’ Programme, a peer mentor scheme for veterans in the CJS and Barnardo’s Families of Veterans Support Service (CJS).
An invited member on the Expert Steering Group for a further Barnardo’s project, ‘Veterans in Custody Scheme’.
Lead researcher with the Service Children’s Progression Alliance (SCiP), supporting young people from military families.
Project Lead for a UK wide audit of veteran-specific support for veterans in the CJS, in collaboration with His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). A Veteran Support Map (https://mod.co-financing.org/veteran-support-map/) was produced for veterans in the CJS and their families to signpost to guidance, in association with HMPPS.
Current: Advisory Board member – Subject Matter Expert and PhD supervisor, Aarhus University, Denmark. The VET>EDU programme: Transformation learning of student veterans in transition
Book chapter with NATO members
Cooper, L., Caddick, N., Godier-McBard, L., Lewis, N., Harrison, K., and Fossey, M., 2019. The transition of military veterans from active service to military life. Chapter 6, Country Report: United Kingdom. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) STO Technical Report – HFM-RTG-263.
Collaboration with the University of Tartu, Estonia
Laanapere, T., Truussa, T-T., and Cooper, L., 2018. Military legacy: use it or lose it? Sõjateadlane, Estonian Journal of Military Studies. No 6: p22-51.
Fellow of Advanced HE
European Society of Criminology (ESC)
Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA)
Violence Against Women Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (VAWDASV) Research Network, Wales
All-Wales Policing and Academic Collaboration (AWPAC)
Society of Evidence Based Policing (SEBP)
Advisory Board member – Subject Matter Expert, Aarhus University, Denmark (current)
Expert Steering Group – Barnardo’s Veterans in Custody Scheme (ViCS)
Cobseo CJS Research Cluster
The Essex Civilian and Military Partnership Board (CMPB)
British Educational Research Association (BERA)
British Sociological Association (BSA)
East Midlands Doctoral Researcher Network (EMDR)
Reviewer for the following journals and publishers: Military Psychology, Perspectives in Public Health, Armed Forces & Society, Families, Relationships and Societies, Critical Education Policy Studies, Bloomsbury Press and Palgrave.
Member of BERA’s Members and Engagement and Post Graduate Steering Committees Reviewer of abstracts for BERA international conferences, Awards Committee and conference abstracts