Eric Zie

Visiting Professor in Digital and ICT Sustainability

Research Directorate

Eric is the CEO and Founder of GoCodeGreen. He has established a UK SME that is now world-recognised as a leader in the decarbonisation of technology and the digital world. His technical efforts have seen him create the measurement platform that covers all categories of ICT as defined by the GHG Protocol ICT Sector Guidance and help shape the sector’s perspective on its own role and opportunity to take action to reduce the environmental impact of technology and to start creating a sustainable foundation for future digital growth. He has created the GoCodeGreen Learning Academy to provide a curriculum covering sustainable software engineering, green design, and sustainable IT leadership.

Eric is a career technologist, having worked for over 30 years across software design and development, architecture, strategy, and innovation. He has worked in both the buy and sell sides of IT, with digital start-ups and large corporations across Europe and Asia Pacific.

Eric is currently Computing’s Digital Ambassador of the Year for the work he is doing to promote sustainability across technology, has recently been nominated again for the Earthshot Prize in the Fix Our Climate category, and is recognised as a World Green Technology Leader. Eric has played a pivotal role in transforming our understanding of the environmental impact of ICT and digital technologies.
Eric is the vice chair of TechUK's Climate Council and a partner with the ITU, the UN's specialised agency for ICT. Working with the ITU, he engages with less developed nations on their digital transformation pathways, identifying opportunities to shape strategies for a cleaner, sustainable digital future, free from the excesses and waste of the developed world. 

The publication of his guidebook, 'Decarbonise Digital', has further enhanced Eric's thought leadership and business influence. Clients and partner organisations are now utilising his vision in an advisory role, and he is passionate about working with the next generation of students who will shape our future digital world.