Dr Joseph Hongsheng Zhao

Research Associate in EU MISTRAL Project

+44 (0)1473338374
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Joseph is a post-doctoral researcher based at School of Technology, Business, and Arts, Suffolk, UK, focusing on the European Union Horizon funded MISTRAL project on post-industry communities in Europe. Professionally self-defined as an entrepreneurial urbanist, he endeavoures to develop research impacts by conducting authentic research from field work, delivering effective pedagogies at university teaching, and building intellectual communities in the UK and globally.

Before joining Suffolk, Joseph teaches for 1.5 year at Urban Studies, University of Glasgow. He was nominated a Student-led Teaching Award under the category of ‘Best Dissertation Supervisor’ at University of Glasgow, for the academic year of 2022-2023.

Joseph adopted qualitative and quantitative method to explore human mobility in urban sustainability context, with a regional focus on EU, East and Southeast Asia. His work has been recognised by an Early Career Best Presentation Prize from Regional Studies Association International- British and Irish section, as well as by secured research grant, bursaries and scholarship that accumulated to the amount £120, 000.

Selection of publication:

Zhao, H. & Bao, W. (2024, forthcoming). Aggravated Uncertainties, Researcher Resilience, Ambiguous Positionality: Doing Fieldwork in China Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.

​Zhao, H. (2023). Understanding shiminhua in Chinese Greater Bay Area: Internalizing Urban Identity and Negotiating Place Attachment. Special Issue in Chinese Migration, Diaspora, and Mobility. Regional Science Policy & Practice.

Zhao, H. (2021). Dealing with Uncertainties in PhD Fieldwork. The Cambridge Researcher.

​Chen, L., Zhao, H., Song, G. & Liu, Y. (2021). Optimization of Cultivated Land Pattern for Achieving Cultivated Land System Security: A Case Study in Heilongjiang Province. 108. Land Use Policy.

​Huang, B., Xiao, T., Grekousis, G., Zhao, H., He, J., Dong, G. & Liu, Y. (2021). Greenness-air pollution-physical activity-hypertension association among middle-aged and older adults: Evidence from urban and rural China. 195. Environmental Research.

​Zhao, H. & Ng, M. K. (2020). An inclusive Hong Kong through public spaces for urban homeless. Proceeding of International Conference of Urbanism. Jakarta, 2019.

Member of Board of Directors (2024-), CUUC (Urban Cluster) Academic Ltd.
Advisory Board Member (2023-), Excellence First Education Consultation, UK

Joseph is open for consultation opportunities.


Joseph has been working closely with overseas scholars and institutions from Hong Kong, Canada, Scotland and Singapore, his current and previous roles of international engagement includes:

Founder & Convenor (2019), Co-convenor (2021-2022) and then Honorary Convenor (2023-), Cambridge Chinese Migration Studies Group, Cambridge Centre for the Study of Global Human Movement

Project Manager (2016-2018), Think Tank III, Hong Kong Public Space Initiative (HKPSI).


Fellow, Royal Geographic Society (RGS-IBG)
Associate Fellow, Advance HE (AFHEA)
Associate Fellow, Recognizing Excellence in Teaching (RET, Scotland)
Early Career Member, Regional Studies Association (RSA)
Early Career Member, Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
Member, The British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS)
Member, Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
Member, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)