Carol Fells

Access and Participation Officer

+44 (0)1473339059
Learning and Teaching
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Carol Fells started working for UOS in October 2023 as APO-School and Community Liaison.
Her background is Teaching, Nursing and recently she worked at UEA as a Higher Education Champion NEACO and HE Adviser. She has worked in different places such as London as a Neurology nurse looking after patients with Brain and Spinal Conditions. She has studied at 3 different universities, Loughborough, Newcastle and University of Wales, Cardiff as a Under and post graduate studying Human Biology, Health Sciences and post graduate teaching qualification. She worked abroad at the University of Bucharest in Romania as a Scientific English teacher, this was a fantastic experience. During her career she participated in different research projects such as Left handedness and Spatial Awareness, Pain Relief and Dental Surgery and Mature Students learning being a healthy experience. She's supported many students to achieve their qualifications which has been very rewarding, making a difference to people's lives is important!

I have many years teaching experience working at different FE colleges and universities.
My main teaching areas were Human Biology, Diet and Nutrition, Personal development, Science of disease, Research methods and Supervision and Leadership. As part of my teaching role I developed new programmes, supported various research/teaching projects.
My clinical experience covered many different clinical areas such as nursing patients post brain surgery and rehabilitation of neurological conditions, Dementia and Trauma. I supported many student nurses and medical students.
Working in Outreach and for NEACO, I supported schools, colleges and students with career progression , skills development and future options. Helping and encouraging all students to consider University and HE as a fantastic option and opportunity.

Worked in Romania, University of Bucharest as a visiting Lecturer teaching Scientific English.
Supporting mainly Engineering students with English Language both spoken and written.