Bea Headford

Library Services Assistant

+44 (0)1473339119
Learning and Teaching
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Billie-Jean 'Bea' Headford works in the Library Services at the University of Suffolk Library. Bea has been part of the University since 2016. She first joined us as a student and completed her BSc (Hons) Psychology and Criminology degree in 2019. While studying for her degree she also worked as a Student Ambassador. She then went on to gain her Postgraduate Certificate in Education teaching level 3 Psychology and Health and Social Care at Suffolk New College.

You can now find Bea in the University's Library and Learning Services. Prior to working with us she helped manage a couple of Norfolk based charities and also worked for Suffolk Libraries. She still enjoys reading about the topics she is passionate about such as, education, psychology, mental health, the LGBTQ+ community, equality and diversity.