Researcher: Dr Alexander T Latinjak
Institute of Health and Wellbeing
#SportPsychMapping is an interview framework based on a holistic performance psychology model called the #KnoweldgeMap, which groups performance psychology into three large blocks: who people are, the environment people are in, and the skills that people have to adapt to their environment. #SportPsychMapping is a self-exploratory exercise that allows people to reflect on these three blocks on a visual map that highlights facilitators and barriers to performance, wellbeing, or any other topic that people want to explore. #SportPsychMapping has a huge impact on the entry into the professional life of sports and performance psychologists, although experienced professionals have also reportedly benefited greatly from the framework. Clients enjoy #SportPsychMapping and gain valuable insights and self-knowledge that will help them clarify their priorities in self-development and initiate a more conscious effort of self-growth. In the future, we want to transfer the #PsychMapping activity to other contexts such as health behaviour or education, in which people would equally benefit from a better understanding of their own psychological reality.
"I wish I had learned #SportPsychMamping when I started working a few years ago. It changes your way of working with athletes" (Experienced Sports Psychologist)
"The organisation of the #KnowledgeMap is amazing, it structures so much that was previously very confusing" (Master's Student in Sports Psychology)
"The # SportPsychMapping experience was unbelievable; to see how your own map develops in front of you is very motivating. All in all, it's like a psychological selfie" (Elite Athlete)
You can watch a Brief Introduction to #SportPsychMapping here!