Rebecca Pulford

Visiting Senior Fellow in Nursing

School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health

Rebecca trained at St Thomas' Hospital London but has spent much of her career in Essex and Suffolk working in acute Nursing and operational roles within a hospital setting. In the last five years, she has expanded that portfolio into Community and Mental Health. Clinical integration is at the heart of Rebecca's passion, from both an interprofessional and organisational perspective and with the local community, and Rebecca's portfolio and educational underpinning support this.

Rebecca is the Director of Nursing and Clinical Governance for Vaccination at EPUT, covering Essex, Suffolk, Milton Keynes, Bedford and Luton. With an interest in integrating services and professions, she has taken this passion into the immunisation arena and seeks opportunities to make every contact count when serving the local population. In addition, Rebecca is working with the corporate nursing team at EPUT, looking at future nursing carers, recruitment and retention.

Rebecca has a BSc Honours Degree in Nursing awarded from the University of Manchester and an MSc in Integrated Governance from the University of Westminster. She is currently undertaking doctoral studies at the University of Essex, testing the impact and feasibility of delivering psychological therapies in acute medical wards and its impact on hospital length of stay. Rebecca is an Alumni member of the Health Foundation, a Nye Bevan graduate, and part of the Chief Nursing Officers Policy Group.